If your child attends activities at the end of the school day or isn’t riding the school-provided transportation back home, you have to spend much time transporting them from school to activities. As a parent of two kids (who luckily now are in college), I have done this more times than I would have wanted to. The charm of Kiss N Ride lines faded off after the first few weeks of Kindergarten!
While it is common knowledge that carpooling would reduce the time spent shuttling your child, most parents do not have the time or circle of influence to create a sustainable carpooling group for their kids. Over the school year, our children take part in different activities. The locations for the activities may change during the season.
Parents would love to form steady carpool groups and leverage economies of scale. However, the changing scene ( students leave/join activities or the school) makes the small 3-4 member carpool groups ineffective. Often, parents are left out because a carpool group is limited by the size of the car !!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller.
CarpoolEZY – a platform for parents to carpool with all the parents in your neighborhood whose students attend the same school. With CarpoolEZY, any number of parents can be part of a carpool group.
Imagine only having to pick up a car full of kids once a week instead of picking up one child every day!
Imagine that the Kiss n Ride line wait time is only 25% because everyone in the neighborhood is carpooling!
You form a community on this platform and the platform handles the dynamic nature of carpooling needs for all student activities!